Hi! I am Mathias Kretschman

Mathias Kret­sch­mann

I was born in Barg­te­heide in 1978 and to this day I am deeply fond of my home state of Schleswig-Holstein and its coasts. Even during my school years, I knew that I wanted to be an inde­pen­dent entre­pre­neur. In 2007, I was ready to go.

After a few years in Braun­schweig, I met Thomas and joined the MSCG. Today, as CEO, I am respon­sible for the day-to-day business. I am the link between the teams and the clients, and I am at your side as a branding and strategy consultant.

I am consis­t­ently curious and find inspi­ra­tion ever­y­where. I am great at spon­ta­neously gene­ra­ting ideas, opinions or approa­ches to solutions. On the other hand, I am very critical, pay a lot of attention to detail, and unfort­u­na­tely also sometimes impatient.

Otto Waalkes once wrote the following play on words: “I am slowly getting nervous. Why doesn’t it go faster?” – that suits me quite well.
