MSCG clients

Hello! We would like to get to know you better.

Our customers come to us from the most diverse indus­tries, and with very different requi­re­ments and project scopes. We are happy to welcome everyone, and take care of each project and client with dedi­ca­tion and profes­sio­na­lism. We measure this by the project, because in the end, you also measure us by it.

Please choose whether you and your project are more likely to be cate­go­rised as a corporate orga­ni­sa­tion, a medium-sized company, a start-up / small business or as an admi­nis­tra­tive company.

Projects for corporations

MSCG is happy to work for corpo­ra­tions. We know the special rules of the game and know that we are only a small cog in the big wheel. Your project is in good hands with us – even if you are not part of the Volks­wagen family.



We have been working conti­nuously for the Volks­wagen Group since our foun­da­tion in 1999.


Budget respon­si­bi­lity

We under­stand budgets and procu­re­ment guide­lines. Of course we are listed in the Group Business Platform and know that DUNS numbers, supplier numbers and order numbers are essential.


Corporate Design

We have much expe­ri­ence with corporate design and have led many rebrands. 


Data security

We have group-wide approval for secret data and can demons­trate corre­spon­ding process routines.


Horse­power in our blood

We have an affinity for auto­mo­biles and have horse­power in our blood. MSCG has worked for: Volks­wagen Passenger Cars, Volks­wagen Group Services, Volks­wagen Service Germany, Volks­wagen Access­ories, Volks­wagen R GmbH, Volks­wagen Kunden­Club, Volks­wagen Motor­sport, Volks­wagen Financial Services.

Holistic support for medium-sized businesses

We love the medium-sized business. If we could bake ourselves a favourite customer, it would be a medium-sized company. Short decision-making processes, a hands-on mentality and commu­ni­ca­tion at eye level are what make our work easier.


Eye level

We are entre­pre­neurs ourselves and meet you at eye level. We do not want to sell you a solution that doesn’t meet your needs, and know that decisions are made rationally.



Together with you, we work out the solution that suits you best. In doing so, we advise and guide you. The best start is a joint workshop.


Transfer of knowledge

We offer know-how transfer to your employees and qualify them on the fly. After a while, you no longer “need” us.

All-round support and advice
The carefree package for the small business owner

You are a small business owner, a lone fighter or a free­lancer and you don’t know whether MSCG or MSCG suits you? We do!



We know that every euro you put into marketing hurts at first. After a joint kick-off workshop, both sides know what is necessary and what is possible.



With us, you will constantly gain insight into our creation and reali­sa­tion process. This way, we can correct course if something doesn’t meet the desired solution.



You don’t want an off-the-rack solution, but you are afraid of exploding costs when you think about custom-made products? Have no fear. We rely on standard and open source tools and customise them individually.

The MSCG, autho­ri­ties and public institutions

The public sector and creative services – that sounds like two mismat­ched pieces of the puzzle. We have proved that it can work harmoniously.


Call for tender

We know that you have to tender. And tendering for creative services is not so easy. With our consul­ting unit, we have already created many a speci­fi­ca­tion for commu­ni­ca­tion and website concepts. 



We are used to the fact that not every decision can be made imme­dia­tely. Similar to corporate struc­tures, there are hier­ar­chies and commu­ni­ca­tion channels that must be adhered to. 



Admi­nis­tra­tive resources are limited. Before you think about making an invest­ment, we qualify you during our joint project. We are happy to share our knowledge and expe­ri­ence with you – so that you can soon use us for something new.


We are here to support you, and are your competent partner for your marketing and commu­ni­ca­tion strategy.

Mathias Kret­sch­mann, CEO of MSCG
Feel free to contact me personally.

Client Feedback

Nothing is more valuable to us than open and honest feedback. We were parti­cu­larly pleased about these testimonials.

In our organic bakery, a change of share­hol­ders took place in 2017. It was important to us to put our tradi­tional and at the same time modern factory into a contem­po­rary image and to show this in our communication.

We chose MSCG because we reco­g­nised a long-term need and were looking for marketing expertise. Surely we could have had a logo and a website created quickly. With MSCG we developed a vision, goals and only then measures. Just as we plan our products, by the way.

Now the time has come: Our commu­ni­ca­tion strategy is working. Corporate design, website and new packaging are being or have already been created. The photo shooting with MSCG has shaken up our whole company a bit and we are looking forward to further tailwind – thanks MSCG. Please keep up the good work!

Ernesto Lackovic, Managing Director of the Rees­dorfer Hof Bakery

I got to know Thomas when I was still an active player with VfL Wolfsburg. Since then the MSCG has accom­pa­nied me on all stages of the club’s management.

Since 2018, I have been the Sports Director of the VfL Football Academy and the Inte­gra­tion Officer of VfL Wolfsburg, which means that I am once again in the public eye. For a redesign of my website and a profes­sional photo shoot, I didn’t have to think long about who I would bring into the team. The MSCG always advises me honestly and amicably in all questions of commu­ni­ca­tion. And if necessary, I can fall back on a large team of profes­sio­nals from various disciplines.

Pablo Thiam, Sports Director of the VFL Football Academy and Inte­gra­tion Officer of the VFL Wolfsburg

Today the plane­ta­rium is an important place for scien­tific and cultural education. Modern 360° plane­ta­rium tech­no­logy now allows for a much larger range of events than just a few years ago. Although the focus of the events continues to be on imparting current stellar knowledge, high-quality music shows, fantastic live concerts under the stars or well-known radio plays comple­ment the educa­tional programme in a unique way.

Commu­ni­ca­ting these different and diverse event formats sensibly is a special challenge! With MSCG we have found a creative team that – highly motivated and with fun – has designed and successfully imple­mented a new website, a new brand and a programme for the Wolfsburg Plane­ta­rium. MSCG has succeeded in commu­ni­ca­ting both the character of a leisure facility and the corre­spon­ding serious­ness of an educa­tional and scien­tific insti­tu­tion to the outside world.

Dirk Schlesier, Managing Director of Plane­ta­rium Wolfsburg gGmbH

4WHEELS is the national market leader in wheel manage­ment. Mapping and commu­ni­ca­ting our complex services and processes for car dealer­ships and in the OEM business is a challenge. With prudence and foresight, MSCG started to redraw the picture of 4WHEELS at the end of 2016. The process is far from complete. As a customer, however, we always had the feeling of being on a direct course in our daily cooperation.

We got to know and appre­ciate MSCG as real brand stra­te­gists: instead of firing a straw fire at colourful adver­ti­sing potpurri, the commu­ni­ca­tion strategy was consis­t­ently developed further. The new and inno­va­tive line has been well received by our customers and employees alike – because it has become a different approach for different groups of recipients.

Many thanks so far.
4WHEELS is looking forward to the further common path.

Oliver Bussick, Managing Director of 4WHEELS Services GmbH

GRABAND, together with MSCG, has redefined the complete external image of our company in 2016. In doing so, we were always able to expe­ri­ence MSCG as a profes­sional, friendly and reliable partner.

The refres­hing way of working together, with never-ending new ideas and views, has not only made a diffe­rence in our external presen­ta­tion. A new brand, a new website, various product data sheets, a trade fair stand and much more has been created.

Thank you very much for your support, we are looking forward to a further successful coope­ra­tion with MSCG!

Michael Schön­berger, Autho­rised signatory and head of the LCCM division of Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH